Free Guitar Lesson – Clean Up Your Lead Playing

In this video I answer a question sent in by a Rock Guitar Power member. I talk about using your fingers to control the strings that you don’t want to ring out to achieve cleaner lead and rhythm playing. I get asked this question a lot from private students so I wanted to shoot a quick lesson answering it and covering some techniques…. Click Here To Check Out The Free Rock Guitar Power Webinar Mentioned In The Video! The RGP Webinar is a hour and a half long lesson, that you can pick a time that’s take on your own,…

NAMM 2013 Review Video

Hey Everyone, So I recently got back from attending the 2013 NAMM show and had an Awesome time! It’s been 4 years since I last went to the show and I was reminded of how fun, exciting and cool it is to be there. I shot a lot of video and took a lot of pictures and just finished putting together a really cool video to show you what the show is all about. You can watch the video here: Feel free to comment on it, leave questions and give it a thumbs up if you like it. There was…

Video Response For Question On Learning Guitar Solos

Hey Everyone, So I got an email recently from Sandy, a member of the Rock Guitar Power community. She asked an awesome question that I get asked A LOT and the question is: “Why does it feel like you go over a lick or part of a solo.  Start slow , work on it over and over again.  It seems like you put in a long time just for that on part, let alone the entire song and still cant nail it.” So to answer her and give her some tips, I made a short video! Check it out below…

Asturias Classical Guitar Performance

In this video I perform the classical guitar piece “Asturias” by Issac Albeniz. I also talk about some guitar practicing ideas that you can use when learning difficult guitar songs. Enjoy! What songs have you been wanting to learn on guitar? If they sound too hard or difficult Do Not Let That Stop You! You CAN learn and play anything you want to. Set goals and work every day towards achieving those goals, whether it’s for playing guitar or anything else. I had a goal of learning this piece of music the very day I first heard it which was…

RGPTV#6-The New Recording Studio Is Done!

So after months and months of scraping, sanding, painting, building, cutting, screwing and any other construction adjective you can think of… The new recording studio if FINALLY DONE! Here’s a video to give you a quick tour and you get to watch a little bit of the first jam session that went down with Ryan Barclay on drums: Here’s a link to check out a bunch of pictures I took. Check out the before and after! Bob Villa ain’t got nothing on me!: